Enter the exciting world of RB survivors worldwide. Get ready for stories, thoughts, medical advice and friends around the corner. And have a great time! Our „Leading Spirits“ are engaged volunteers, RB survivors around the world who help support our mission and you. Want to get in touch?WHO WE ARE
We are a registered European charity dedicated to providing support to people affected by retinoblastoma worldwide. We fund awareness campaigns and medical research projects. We wish to connect RB people globally, we wish them to share their stories and experiences and profit by the exchange with each other.
The complete app communication is SSL encrypted and only invited users can use the app. All medical information are also encrypted in the database. We don’t save first or last names, only a username. The user’s e-mail will never be displayed in the app.
Please send us your feedback about things we need to change for you to
[email protected]. Thank you.
RB-WorldApp is a service of www.kaks.info. All rights reserved.